
Thursday, January 30, 2014

(An Irrevelent Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man) ...

(An Irrevelent Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man) ...On that day we came together as a family to bury our mother.  When I speak of a family I am speaking of the greatgrands, the grands,  the brothers and sisters as well as the nieces and nephews and friends across this nation that call her mother.  We assemble each of us  in our own fashion, cloaked in garments designed to protect us from the coldness of the weather on that bleak December morning  that somehow sought to penetrate our useless facade and chill our bones, yet there was another coldness that moved among us.  This coldness was cloaked in a garment of hyprocery and dignified through an attitude of self-righteousness.  It penetrated and stained our immortal souls.  This coldness, this hatred that my mother taught against in her many Sunday School lessons many years ago, openly manifested itself to her in her final days  as a testimony against her, it caused her eyes to shed a tear and made her sad heart bleed.  

This hatred existed as a seed lying dormant for many years reared its repulsive head when her husband died, and it continued to grow  and contaminate the landscape.  The church played an important role in the development and growth of this hatred, as a matter of facts according to her many conversations this hatred began in the church.  It first began in a church that because of a difference in opinion among church leaders and those who wanted to be leaders, resulting in the growth of the tares among the wheat, which led to the expulsion of her family.   With the formation of a new church this hatred was suppressed until the death of her husband, then this hatred, this coldness reared it's ugly head and was instrumental in the death of her son.

I consider myself to be a religious writer and because of my outspokenness many accuse me of being hard on churches and Christian orders.  I do not intend to be hard on Christian orders, churches or preachers but it is the damage and confusion that is being perpetrated upon the gullible masses that appalls me.  The church, once a place of solitude and spiritual refreshment, has now dumb-down and evolved into a house of entainment and merchandising where the favor and blessings of our Heavenly Father is supposed to be sold.   Slick mailing campaigns (email and postal) are conducted based upon the Reverand  Ike principle that God has spoken and if you sow a 'seed' you can get the rest of the message.  She once was a supporter of Rev. Ike until she realized that his method was nothing more than that of a drunk standing in the pulpit proclaiming that "somebody in the congregation has a backache."  

I challenge you as a testimony to the value of her life let us as a family of relatives and friends make a commitment to ourself, we will assist in stamping out hyprocery, and replacing it with simple love.   This love would be based upon the type of love my mother had for all mankind.  It is not enough to call her mother and revel in the fact that we once knew her. Let us lay aside the cloak of self-righteousness and replace it with humility, then make a contribution to yourself in my mother's name or do it in the name of yourself.  Step off that shaky soap box of vain glory and remember,  one hundred years from now, when they go out to plow the ground, no one will care.