
Sunday, May 25, 2014

(An Irrevelent Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man)

Some Things Just Don't Make Sense

If you believe in anything you gotta believe in God.  That just makes common sense.  I believe in God and I even confess to having an out-of -body experience, but to reconcile what I believe with my day to day experiences is just getting harder and harder.  My faith is constantly being tested.  This test is not being conducted by some inglorious bogeyman hidden by a cloud of darkness, but rather it is tested by those of the faith and it is they that have caused me to question my faith.   Now the pretentious nature of the indoctrinated believer will step up to the plate and demand, "what are you talking about?".  A host of scriptures can be read, but the truth remains, I am having a hard time reconciling what I believe with my day to day experiences.  
The two entities, family and church should be a place of solace for the wandering and struggling member, but this is not true.   We are spoon a steady diet of God's love and what he is doing in the world, while the rich get richer and the poor are left to testify how God blessed them to get food stamps.  Everything is changing. Let's take Heaven for instance, is it a place that the righteous strive for, or is it a place where our love ones sprout  angel wings and fly around in the clouds watching over us?
Under the cloak of righteousness we have submerged ourself into a pit of self-importance, political correctness is our gatekeeper and right is nothing but a product of a polluted imagination.  The choices are simple, I am important, what I say is right and you are nobody.
It is a sad day when religious people will entertain a lie on their brother or sister, but when the offended one try set the record straight, God show up and show out.