
Saturday, November 16, 2013

An Irrevelent Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man

(An Irrevelent Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man)... There is so much talk about the good life here on earth, the government is fixing problems , and God is doing so much today and he is behind the scenes working to make things come out right.  If the words of the peddlers of hope in this world were true then we would be living in a utopia.  The truth is Governments of the world are expanding and clasping and God's angry are building and soon he will strike a blow, not in the name of justice, but judgement.   
      What has the government done to promote the welfare of man?  Social programs were created to advance the survival of humanity, yet these programs destroyed family values.  Now the very government that we hail as being supreme is destroying the sanctity of marriage all in the name of promoting a stronger union.  We applaud a government that creates laws that govern the emotions of humanity, and these very laws become a platform of hate.  Laws that are created to integrate society, in reality they divide and cause hate to flourish.
     Where is God?  He is easy to find, you can find him in the grocery check out line helping people buy food with their government benefit card or you can find him at the used car lot helping a struggling soul purchase a car with their tax return check.  You can even find him at the service station helping people fill their cars up with gas, but it is getting harder to find him in the hospitals or even the church where people are seriously seeking him. 
     The government and the church as an "organization" (not the true church that Jesus spoke of) have become obsessed with money, and status.  Too many of our leaders are blinded by the glitter, the sex and honors and they have become pawns of the devil.   Remove the blinders, take a look around, the generations that precedes us are cast adrift into a world of confusion, without the benefit of a father and a God.   
     Like Nero at the burning of Rome, the politicians are debating and the church is singing songs and praying while the fires of damnation rages throughout the land... 

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Irrevelent Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man

(The Irrevelent Rant of an Ambiguous Old Man)  After reading about the  pastor of an 800 +  member church committing suicide for a moment I allowed myself to wonder  why the same as others.  We all in that complicated or uncomplicated moment must face our demons, even the demons of our past that still haunt us.  Most of humanity can lay claim to some great infraction in their life even if they openly deny it.  The purpose of the church should be to provide a refuge from these demons,  but this is not true, as illustrated by Jesus in his letters to the seven churches.  I grew up in the church, I love going to church, but my demons thrive and grow in the church, and they keep driving me away from the church.  They reverse their collars and preach damnation upon my soul and a simple scripture such as Matthew 5:9  Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God, become nothing but fodder in the wind as they line their pockets with Gold...

It is not the cancer that keeps Me awake at night nor does it cause me to suffer during the day.  I do not cry because my life is restricted.  I cry because of them. I am prepared to meet the God of my salvation.  When I close my eyes at night, they poke at me, they drive my blood pressure up,  they are trying to kill me.  It is the cold callous ways of those  who claim to be the gatekeeper of God that will finally take its toll.  

Friday, November 1, 2013

An Irrelevant Rant of an Ambigious Old Man

(An Irrelevant Rant of an Ambigious Old Man) ...Preachers will come into your house and rant and rave like a madman, because of a petty disagreement over something they think you said or something they think you should have done. You are suppose to stand there like you are stupid in your own house. If you open your mouth you are wrong, then they have the audacity to go out and lie and claim they have the word of God in their mouth. Preacher wake Up, enough is enough. God doesn't like your antic and I don't either.