(An Irrelevant
Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man) The spiritual cliché mill is
running full blast. Somehow, in todays
society cute spiritual clichés and motivational sound bites is supposed to
solve all problems. There are many of us
who have gone through traumatic experiences in life and still suffer in
silence. Much of the suffering is caused by those who
carry the mandate of a servant of God. Spurious billionaire speakers, that we have
created and give credence to because they represent what we want, spout vague, but cute phrases like, “God told me to tell you he is getting ready
to answer your prayer”, and the church say ‘amen”. It seems as if our awesome God loves to speak
in the non definitive, “Somebody is going to be…”
There is hardly a day pass that I
don’t think of the sudden passing of my younger brother. He had brought me home from the hospital
after completing my first phase of radiation treatment for cancer, and the next
day he was dead. Scrolling thru my
social media feed I see this “God will
not allow sudden death to take you away.
You will fulfil your divine mandate.”
I could feel a certain lack of sensitivity in that statement, The next
one said, “Our God is an awesome God”, true but what are you saying? My car is blue, Ok. After reading the last one that said, “God
can do anything but fail”, I was transported to a very dark place and I like
many of us, after reading that phrase will find our comfort zone shattered as
our faith is made to dwindle and we pray to God with tears in eyes to open up our
understanding and give us peace.