
Friday, August 2, 2013

Sitting on a Stump

Sitting on a stump at the water’s edge of my favorite fishing pond, I enjoy reminiscing of the days past.  When I was young and learning the ways of life, being broke was as common as going fishing and not catching any fish.  To improve my financial situation many laid hands on my wallet and prayed while they extracted their fee.   To improve my fishing skill, a preacher suggesting anointing my fishing rods and reels with blessed oil and praying for God to let me catch fish.   Now anointing my rods and reels with blessed oil seems like a good idea to prevent corrosion, but I am not going to pray for God to allow me to catch fish, nor will I ask him to put money in my wallet.  
     There is a battle being wages against Christianity, There are more Bishops, Preachers, Apostles,  and prayer warriors stepping up to the plate, but when you check the score card (news)  the Devil is winning.  We have trivialized our God and it is the believability of God that suffers.     
     Often I am call sacrilegious or even a heathen because of my views.  Now what you pray for is your business, it’s between you and God, but I think it is time we get back to being serious about prayer and our God.    I have developed a certain respect for God that will not allow me to treat him like a banker or car mechanic, and I don’t want to approach him like a begging brat
     I am heading down range, battle number three is my destination, and it is a killer.  My friends and family are dropping like flies after being hit with insect spray.  I am staring past the steely eyes of death and looking for the face of God.   My immortal status he on Earth was revoked and I am in acceptance of my fate.  I am not going to spend my day begging God to do this or that, like the three Hebrew boys whether he delivers me or not, he is still God.     There may as well come a time when I look to my Father with pleading eyes and ask, “When are you coming to get me Dad?” 

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