
Saturday, August 16, 2014

(An Irrelelevant Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man)

(An Irrelevant Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man) I just can't hold my peace any longer.  I have often heard young people say, that if a policeman try to stop me and I know I have done nothing wrong, I am not going to stop, I will look at him like he is crazy and keep on stepping. Now this is a recipe for disaster and it is being played out on our streets today.   It is even worst when a crime has been committed and the perpetrator  chooses to stand against the police.  We need to teach our children to respect and not engage officers of the law.  If a policeman says stop, then you stop. Don’t move means don’t move. If you disobey, force will be employed to bring you into compliance. This means you will be beaten down or you will be shot down.  We need to teach our children. Get real, reaching for a cell phone or your wallet can get you killed in a confrontation with a gun. Then in the aftermath of a disaster, here come the race batters, and the media playing that old soiled race card, inciting the masses to hit the street destroying their own neighborhood and engaging in wholesale looting.  The camera rolls as the rag tag groups rush from stores with ill gotten loot.  On these occasions I  feel so ashamed, sad, so sad.

In the aftermath of all of these shooting, especially the ones where our black children have turned guns on other black, there ought to be a lesson learned. We can shape the truth to reflect whatever ideology that makes us feel good, but the truth will emerge and the monkey on our back is not white, that sucker is black.  We are providing the ammunition to kill our own children.  The black race is the most manipulated race of people on God's earth.  We will spend $200. + for a cheap pair of tennis shoes that cost approx 3.95 to make, and will even kill for them while living in a third rate government apartment.   We need to teach our children.  Too many of us have allowed the slave mentality to engulf us, under the guise that it doesn't  matter how we act, everybody is supposed to love us because the law says so.  We have allowed fear and distrust to become a part of our heritage and we pass it on to our children. In a gun crazed society, everyone is suspected of being armed and you can be killed simply by being in the right place at the wrong time. What is the difference between a black being killed by another black or a black being killed by a white or even a cop?  It really doesn’t matter what color the shooter is or whether a uniform is worn or not or how many bullets were fired,  dead is dead.  

Maybe it would be better to have the streets patrolled by a group of policemen that backed down at the first sign of confrontation.  That's the way it's done in some other countries.  What's wrong with mob rule or gang rule as long as you are a part of the mob?  

The other night I went to an all night service station and grocery, there was a group of black kids with pants sagging, hanging around out front. I made sure my car doors were locked as I sped up and rushed out of the parking lot without doing my shopping. Did that make me a racist? Then if I am, so what?  We can never get over slavery, but we refuse to acknowledge that it was our own ancestors that sold us into slavery. 

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