
Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Irrelevant Rants of an Ambiguous Old Man

Today I am scheduled to report to the clinic for X-rays  and consultation for possible surgery on Monday.  I have been assured that the risk is minimal, yet nothing is minimal when you must be put to sleep.  Why am I mentioning this in this blog?  This is not a plea for prayers, support or sympathy.  This is my way of introducing my list of things that I am ashamed of.   So before you say that prayer maybe you should read my list to see if your or your antics appear on my list, if so your prayer might be for my hasty departure rather than a speedy recovery.

Over the next few post, I will say things that are offensive to many, but the opening paragraph of this blog should allow you to infer that I am at a point in life that calling me names is a wasted effort.   At my age and health condition, I am entitled to hate, with a perfect hate, because God hate and I am entitled to be ashamed of people or places.     Having one foot on a banana peel, ( a colloquial exp[ression) in the words of MC Hammer, "you can't touch this" 

As many of you know, based upon the stats I only post on this blog when I am fed with situations that surround me, whether they are of a political, religious or personal nature.  I label myself a religious writer who has published several books on the subject and maintain several blogs.  So it is with a sense of defiled dignity I enter the confines of my storage room and retrieve my gold plated shovel and proceed upon this mission. My mission is to dig up the skeletons of the past and expose them to the light of day. 

On a day to day basis, I encounter many blacks who speak of revolution.  What African nation do we use as a model?  South Africa?  No, thugs rule the street there.  Can you name one African nation where people,  black and white are not being hacked to death in the street?  Maybe Detriot or Chicago will be an example of Black Pride?  Maybe there is some other third world country that the takeover of this country can be patterned after.    If and/or when this country is forced to  trash its constitution, it will not be the African hyphenated American who rises to power.   We have already demonstrated that we are a divided people.  Revelation 13 speaks of a new nation rising up out of the sea, which is representative of a multitude of confused people.  This new nation or conglomerate of nations will not be a God-fearing nation.  The full force of this worldwide power will seek to exterminate all of the trouble makers of the world.  At the top of the list will be Blacks and Christians.  The extermination force will be led by a Muslim.The African American’s  unforgiving nature in the face of repentance has caused the black man to become the most hated species on planet earth,  next to the Muslims who will be his executioner when the revolution starts.   The Muslims are already taking over the black communities.  There are buying up motels, stores, and gas stations.  The Muslim presence can be seen where ever blacks in their 200.00 tennis shoes gather to shop with their government EBT card.  They laugh at blacks behind their backs, they call them names that we detest, yet we are blinded by our own rhetoric. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

(An Irrelevant Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man)

There is so much garbage being shoved down my throat on a day to day bases, I am finding it hard to breath.  I have tried to hold my peace as the social media exploded with the justification of the  thug mentality, and black are taunting the police the same as they are doing in South Africa.  There is a sickness that is tearing this country apart, as the Bible states a nation or a house divided against itself shall not stand.  There are those who speak of revolution, what African nation do we use as a model?  South Africa?, No,  name one where people black and white are not being hacked to death in the street.  Maybe Detriot will be an example of Black Pride?  Maybe there is some other third world country that the takeover of this country can be patterned after.    If and/or when this country is  forced to  trash its constitution, it will not be the African American who rises to power.   We have already demostrated that we are a divided people.  Revelation 13 speaks of a new nation rising up out of the sea, which is representative of a multitude of confused people.  This new nation or conglomerate of nations will not be a God fearing nation.  The full force of this worldwide power will seek to exterminate all of the trouble makers of the world.  At the top of the list will be Blacks and Christians.  The extermination force will be led by a Muslim.

The African American’s  unforgiving nature in the face of repentance has caused the black man to become the most hated species on planet earth,  next to the Muslims who will be his executioner when the revolution starts.   The Muslims are already taking over the black communities.  There are buying up stores and gas stations.  The Muslim presence can be seen where ever blacks in their 200.00 tennis shoes gather to shop with their government EBT card.  They laugh at blacks behind their backs, they call them names that we detest, yet we are blinded by our rhetoric. 

When hunting season began and it has already begun, the United Nations and the world won't have no sympathy when the U.S Gov't turns on black people especially the Democratic party who the African American was most loyal to because of their handouts.  They have already threw blacks under the bus, and when the tax payers can no longer fund welfare and EBT cards to take care of black people, who will come to our rescue.  When black people no longer is paying into the system, we will be disposed of just like the Jews were under Hitler, who saw no use of the Jews, but get this, the Jews always saw a need for themselves and each other, but black people don't even see value in themselves and each other, only when whites say or do things we don't like.  We as a people are on our way to becoming the drags of society and when all the races turn on us, no outcry will be given it will be justified, because too many black men sees no value in themself. 

The so-call racial divide is destroying the social fabric of this nation.  Whites and others races around the globe are looking at black people as, a dysfunctional, non-productive enity who is on the titty of the tax payers and who don't run the businesses within  our so-called black community..

The VA Medical System in my home state is operated by blacks, and it is broken.  Many of the fine doctors exist behind a wall of people whom I often refer to as “Gatekeepers”, and many of these doctors have no clue of what is going on.  These Gatekeepers are responsible for the attention a patient receives before he is ushered into the presence of the Doctor.  Gatekeepers are predominantly African Americans  who has been embedded into the system in entry level jobs.  Most often they have obtained a level of seniority and developed a “God Complex”.  They work behind the desks in the waiting rooms and in the pharmacies.   Their impact on the level of treatment and the respect is preponderant.  Many Veterans in my home state go across the state line to get medical service they deserve  because of the treatment they receive from the gatekeepers.   After driving nearly two hundred miles in a storm, a gatekeeper made me wait 4 hours to see the doctor because I was five minutes late.  Any attempt to challenge their actions usually ends with derogatative information entered into your medical record.  Often the filling of prescriptions and the shipment of medical supplies are based upon their hidden agenda rather than a doctor’s order.  I had to call a “white”  man to get my medical supplies shipped on time.

Monday, January 5, 2015

(An Irrelevant Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man)


by George Moss

When we think of racial profiling, in the United States, we think of whites profiling blacks in this country, but there is really only one group that is racially profiled in the United States, and that group is white. What is generally thought of as racial profiling is individuated profiling, of individuals who belong to a racial group, but only whites are profiled in this country as a group.

Such has been a less than discernible fact, over the years, but it is a fact, nevertheless, as I intend to show, although I really don’t have to do a whole lot of digging to show it because the proof in absolute, and incontrovertible.

The reason the above will seem odd is because of political propaganda by race merchants, politicians, and the media, which would have it, otherwise, so they are being challenged, here, to make their case, and that challenge is also extended to any of these so-called scholars on the Left who are peddling soap in what is little more than a race opera.

In stating the above, it is necessary to state, also, then, that race baiters are the biggest racists in this country, bar none, and I include, here, not only race hustlers like Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, but also figures such as Michael Eric Dyson, Cornell West, Tavis Smiley, Spike Lee, and Oprah Winfrey.
It will come as a shock that such figures are mentioned, but their names are listed because they are all race baiters, and they are all racists. Blacks, in fact, delude themselves into thinking that they have some moral claim to make against whites’ racism, as if there is no black racism against which claims can also be made. Indeed, the most virulent racism in America, today, and in the world, is racism by non-whites. And before the usual ignoramuses get started, let me be pre-emptive, here, by saying, “SHUT UP!”

Really, there is no evidence that says, otherwise. The only counter-claim is the Left’s racial propaganda. The Left has never been asked before to prove its racist claims, until now! Let me make one other pre-emptive remark; the Left will fail to do so, no matter how hard it tries, because when the Left’s propaganda is removed, it will be clear that the Left has no proof for its position, and that its position is really based on nothing other than its own racial narrative.

It has often been said that America is a racist society, and, to be sure, there were signs which were carried by demonstrators this past week, which stated, “The whole system is racist.”
Let me stop right there, and interrogate this claim.

America is a country of racial diversity, including illegal aliens who have broken into the country, and this alleged racist system, by the way, is not racist enough to tell them to get out, and, incredibly, rather than calling them illegal aliens, which is what they are, goes through labor pains to describe them as “undocumented workers.”

This alleged racist system, after getting past its birth pains, has given birth to “political correctness,” because of the nation’s timidity toward hurting the feelings of other minorities in this country. In fact, this “racist system” is so racist as to implement affirmative action policies in an attempt to make up for racist practice, not in the present, but in the past, engaged in by people who are now dead!
Did you get that?! I said that the present-day system seeks to compensate for actions taken a generation ago, or more, primarily under Democratic Party Jim Crow practices, for which the whole country is now being asked to pay.

My position is, if blacks have no problem with what the Democratic Party was guilty of doing, in the past, then why should the whole country be held to account for the party’s practices, when 90-95 percent of blacks are now members of that party?!

But that is not the main point to be made here. When it is said that America is racist, or the whole system is racist, we need to understand what is meant by the “whole system.” But let me tell you, first, what I mean by it, since I had a little geometry when I was in high school, and learned in Mrs. Goodman’s 10th grade class that the whole is equal to the sum of its part. The “whole system,” then would consist of its constituent parts, namely, Hispanics, Arabs, Chinese, Hindus, “Indians,” Illegal Aliens, blacks, and whites.

Do you know of anyone, and here I am talking about a single person, who has made the claim that America is a racist country because Hispanics are racists? Go through the rest of the constituent groups, and ask the same question, eventually arriving at whites, as a group. What did you come up with? In case the cat has your tongue, I’ll tell you what you came up with, even if you do mind.

You came up with, that you have never heard anyone equate America as a racist country because of any of the other groups, or that the whole system is racist because of any other group, other than whites. And that is racial profiling, not individual profiling, which is what people are really talking about in these profiling discussions. Individuals being profiled can only be racially profiled if there is some agreed upon profile for the group to which one belongs.

There is only one group which is viewed as having a single identifying characteristic, and that is whites, the distinguishing characteristic being racism. What one is stating, when stating that the system is racist, is that whites are racist, albeit in language that is in codes.

When Attorney General Eric Holder went to Atlanta, to engage in his usual racist noise, he stood on the pulpit stage, where Dr. King once stood, as the minister of Ebenezer Baptist Church, the chosen site, deliberately so, its hidden meaning expected to be discerned, which was that he was continuing Dr. King’s legacy, telling the audience that he was determined to end racial profiling, “once and for all.”
One had to be struck by the audacity of smoke, when Eric Holder stood at the podium, that day, during the height of media-driven tensions over the Michael Brown shooting, in Ferguson, Missouri, telling the audience that he was going to end racial profiling, “once and for all.”

Holder stood there, his body erect, Holder’s head down, his eyes, also down, seemingly browsing over the next written line, in his notes, both his head and eyes raised, simultaneously, for dramatic effect, his eyes spanning the audience, from one side to the other, his voice authoritative, as if lending credence to the sincerity of his message (to no avail in my case), to drive home the last four words in his pledge, “once and for all.”

How Holder would accomplish his stated mission, was left unstated, but I would like to assume it will not include any FEMA, or Concentration, Camps, although with Holder’s twisted mindset, who knows what he had in mind when he made this typically ignorant statement. [How many more days before this ignorant, and racist, man is gone?!]

The audience applauded, as was to be expected, but what was the audience’s assumption, and why did those in this audience applaud? The answer doesn’t require a degree in rocket science. They knew the reference Holder was referring to; they knew the group, white people; they knew it was not them that Holder was talking about. But how did they know?

Who in the audience thought Holder might have been speaking about stopping racial profiling by Arabs, or by the Chinese, living here, in this country, or even by Jesse Jackson, who reported, some years ago, that he looked behind himself, one dark night, and was relieved to find that the group, in back of him, was a white, rather than a black, group? [Hey Jesse Jackson, “Boo!”]

There was not one person in that audience who didn’t know who Holder was talking about when he said that he would stop racial profiling, “once and for all.” The people in the audience applauded because they knew that, when Holder said he would end racial profiling, once and for all, he was saying that he would stop white people from profiling once and for all.

The audience, undoubtedly, did not connect any other group to the comment because the thinking is that only whites profile because only whites are racist. As for Jackson’s profiling, well he is just a wuss, and, in terms of “black racism,” well blacks, you see, cannot be racist, because blacks, “Oh say can you see,” do not have power. Racial profiling, you say?

Yes, on steroids!

Let me repeat, there is only one group, subjected to this kind of profiling, in this country, whites, which is to say, there is only one group in this country which is racially profiled. If it is blacks who are racially profiled, name one defining characteristic of blacks, as a group, to which all blacks are subjected?

I would remind you that blacks, as a group, have members in it that consist of figures such as “scary cat,” Jesse Jackson, and racial arsonist, Al Sharpton, as well as the world’s foremost neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, and billionaire Oprah Winfrey, who raised the “whites, as the only racist” on the planet narrative, over in Switzerland, the allegation being that a white clerk would not sale her a $35,000 pocketbook.


How many clerks have you met, who were this racist, so racist, in fact, as to put “black,” before “green”? And the answer is, “ZERO”!

Here’s a side point: I was raised in the “Jim Crow” South, when the Democratic Party ran the South. The laws, in the South, required blacks and whites to remain separate, in schools, on buses, in restaurants, in public parks, in restaurants, and you name it, including movie theaters.

The movie theater owners, I couldn’t help noticing, made sure when they built movie theaters in local communities, in the South, that these movie theaters had balconies, so they could put black people in the balconies, which would enable them to still collect their money, too, without going to jail, after being arrested by Democrats, or being lynched by Democrats, whom some call the Ku Klux Klan to keep from calling them by their political name, or party affiliation.

Who knew that Democrats had moved to Switzerland?!

When the film, “Hotel Rwanda,” came out, depicting the genocide that took place in 1994, wherein 800,000 blacks were killed by other blacks, in 100 days, amounting to 8,000 blacks killed a day, using low tech, I had the honor of having dinner with the hero who saw neither Hutus, or Tutsis, in his home country, just human beings, and tried to save those he could, even if they were not members of his ethnic group. I asked this incredible man if he intended to eventually return to his country, or remain in his adopted land, Belgium.

Belgium was his choice.

White majority countries, including the United States, are the migratory choices of practically all black people who migrate from Africa, to the exclusion of other countries in the world. It is not, for instance, China, or head, rather than hair, cutting Arab countries, although there is certainly no racism in Saudi Arabia, for instance, where Mecca is located, no white folks, you see.
Am I supposed to believe, these non-whites are migrating to these white majority countries to get closer to the racism?!!

And speaking of America, let me say the following: America is Jeremiah Wright’s choice, as well as Louis Farrakhan’s choice. Farrakhan talks about leaving, talk which he has been talking for more than 50 years, and he is still in Chicago, living in his Hyde Park mansion, and he will be in Chicago, living in his Hyde Park mansion, next year, and the year after that.

But if it just so happens that Farrakhan does finally decide to leave, hopefully he will take some of those killers in Chicago with him, because some of these thugs are doing in Chicago what the thugs were doing in Rwanda, which is thinning black people’s numbers out.

I know, I know, I know, folks, “Black lives matter,” but that’s easy for you to say, especially since you are only willing to say it to whites.

Racial profiling?

You are finally catching on, but there is more to be said, and I will be saying it, tomorrow, and I will not be flinching when I say it.