
Thursday, April 30, 2015

(An Irrelevant Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man)

There is so much garbage being shoved down my throat on a day to day bases, I am finding it hard to breath.  I have tried to hold my peace as the social media exploded with the justification of the  thug mentality, and black are taunting the police the same as they are doing in South Africa.  There is a sickness that is tearing this country apart, as the Bible states a nation or a house divided against itself shall not stand.  There are those who speak of revolution, what African nation do we use as a model?  South Africa?, No,  name one where people black and white are not being hacked to death in the street.  Maybe Detriot will be an example of Black Pride?  Maybe there is some other third world country that the takeover of this country can be patterned after.    If and/or when this country is  forced to  trash its constitution, it will not be the African American who rises to power.   We have already demostrated that we are a divided people.  Revelation 13 speaks of a new nation rising up out of the sea, which is representative of a multitude of confused people.  This new nation or conglomerate of nations will not be a God fearing nation.  The full force of this worldwide power will seek to exterminate all of the trouble makers of the world.  At the top of the list will be Blacks and Christians.  The extermination force will be led by a Muslim.

The African American’s  unforgiving nature in the face of repentance has caused the black man to become the most hated species on planet earth,  next to the Muslims who will be his executioner when the revolution starts.   The Muslims are already taking over the black communities.  There are buying up stores and gas stations.  The Muslim presence can be seen where ever blacks in their 200.00 tennis shoes gather to shop with their government EBT card.  They laugh at blacks behind their backs, they call them names that we detest, yet we are blinded by our rhetoric. 

When hunting season began and it has already begun, the United Nations and the world won't have no sympathy when the U.S Gov't turns on black people especially the Democratic party who the African American was most loyal to because of their handouts.  They have already threw blacks under the bus, and when the tax payers can no longer fund welfare and EBT cards to take care of black people, who will come to our rescue.  When black people no longer is paying into the system, we will be disposed of just like the Jews were under Hitler, who saw no use of the Jews, but get this, the Jews always saw a need for themselves and each other, but black people don't even see value in themselves and each other, only when whites say or do things we don't like.  We as a people are on our way to becoming the drags of society and when all the races turn on us, no outcry will be given it will be justified, because too many black men sees no value in themself. 

The so-call racial divide is destroying the social fabric of this nation.  Whites and others races around the globe are looking at black people as, a dysfunctional, non-productive enity who is on the titty of the tax payers and who don't run the businesses within  our so-called black community..

The VA Medical System in my home state is operated by blacks, and it is broken.  Many of the fine doctors exist behind a wall of people whom I often refer to as “Gatekeepers”, and many of these doctors have no clue of what is going on.  These Gatekeepers are responsible for the attention a patient receives before he is ushered into the presence of the Doctor.  Gatekeepers are predominantly African Americans  who has been embedded into the system in entry level jobs.  Most often they have obtained a level of seniority and developed a “God Complex”.  They work behind the desks in the waiting rooms and in the pharmacies.   Their impact on the level of treatment and the respect is preponderant.  Many Veterans in my home state go across the state line to get medical service they deserve  because of the treatment they receive from the gatekeepers.   After driving nearly two hundred miles in a storm, a gatekeeper made me wait 4 hours to see the doctor because I was five minutes late.  Any attempt to challenge their actions usually ends with derogatative information entered into your medical record.  Often the filling of prescriptions and the shipment of medical supplies are based upon their hidden agenda rather than a doctor’s order.  I had to call a “white”  man to get my medical supplies shipped on time.

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