
Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Irrelevant Rants of an Ambiguous Old Man

Today I am scheduled to report to the clinic for X-rays  and consultation for possible surgery on Monday.  I have been assured that the risk is minimal, yet nothing is minimal when you must be put to sleep.  Why am I mentioning this in this blog?  This is not a plea for prayers, support or sympathy.  This is my way of introducing my list of things that I am ashamed of.   So before you say that prayer maybe you should read my list to see if your or your antics appear on my list, if so your prayer might be for my hasty departure rather than a speedy recovery.

Over the next few post, I will say things that are offensive to many, but the opening paragraph of this blog should allow you to infer that I am at a point in life that calling me names is a wasted effort.   At my age and health condition, I am entitled to hate, with a perfect hate, because God hate and I am entitled to be ashamed of people or places.     Having one foot on a banana peel, ( a colloquial exp[ression) in the words of MC Hammer, "you can't touch this" 

As many of you know, based upon the stats I only post on this blog when I am fed with situations that surround me, whether they are of a political, religious or personal nature.  I label myself a religious writer who has published several books on the subject and maintain several blogs.  So it is with a sense of defiled dignity I enter the confines of my storage room and retrieve my gold plated shovel and proceed upon this mission. My mission is to dig up the skeletons of the past and expose them to the light of day. 

On a day to day basis, I encounter many blacks who speak of revolution.  What African nation do we use as a model?  South Africa?  No, thugs rule the street there.  Can you name one African nation where people,  black and white are not being hacked to death in the street?  Maybe Detriot or Chicago will be an example of Black Pride?  Maybe there is some other third world country that the takeover of this country can be patterned after.    If and/or when this country is forced to  trash its constitution, it will not be the African hyphenated American who rises to power.   We have already demonstrated that we are a divided people.  Revelation 13 speaks of a new nation rising up out of the sea, which is representative of a multitude of confused people.  This new nation or conglomerate of nations will not be a God-fearing nation.  The full force of this worldwide power will seek to exterminate all of the trouble makers of the world.  At the top of the list will be Blacks and Christians.  The extermination force will be led by a Muslim.The African American’s  unforgiving nature in the face of repentance has caused the black man to become the most hated species on planet earth,  next to the Muslims who will be his executioner when the revolution starts.   The Muslims are already taking over the black communities.  There are buying up motels, stores, and gas stations.  The Muslim presence can be seen where ever blacks in their 200.00 tennis shoes gather to shop with their government EBT card.  They laugh at blacks behind their backs, they call them names that we detest, yet we are blinded by our own rhetoric. 

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