
Sunday, September 29, 2013

An Irrelevant Rant of an Ambigious Old Man...

The sleepless night and dreariness of the morning fog sets the stage for the retrieval of my gold plated shovel and embark upon a walkabout on the forsaken farm land of my family’s hierarchy in search of skeletons.   There are many skeletons some with long, and some with not so long sordid past, I know because I helped bury some of them.   There is even a pit where the farm animal was buried.  If that old mule skeleton could speak it would lay to rest the Idiocracy of an old man struggling against his personal demons allowing him to free the souls he has held prisoner.   Maybe I should give it a voice.  Skeletons are the remains of things we bury and hope they never reappear.   Skeletons are the stuff that ghosts are made of and ghosts are the things that haunts us.  But we don't believe in ghost.

There is a sadness that permeates this old homeplace, the subtil sounds of death and decay surround me.  I walk the creek banks and the overgrown trails and all I find is ghosts.  The Choctaws are gone, the slave owners and the land grabbers have followed the same path.  All of the old warriors are long gone and there is nothing left but memories, oh yes there are the skeletons.  These skeletons will always remind me of the wars that were fought.  Stupid wars, wars with no winners, dumb wars, like the ancient feuds that  play themselves out over the centuries  and  no one could remember why.   Brothers against brothers, the shredded souls the wasted lives, for what there is no reason.  Then one morning we wake up and find that what we dreamed of will never be and our life will never be the same.  Ashes to ashes, dust to dust so goes our dream.
As I began to dig and stand ready to proclaim my find, I think of Maya Angelou who wrote a poem, “I know why the caged bird sings”  and from the darkest moments of my tortured soul I scream, “I never heard the blackbird sing.”  Then with solemn respect to those who are standing I replace the earth in the hole I dug.  And as a reminder to those who pass this way I leave a marker that simply says, “I know why”,  I know why the old woman cried, because I wiped her tears, I know why I never heard the Blackbird sing and I know why the young warrior died. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

An Irrelevant Rant of an Ambigious Old Man

The indoctrination of the Africans slaves were so successful that it created new and alien mindsets.  The slave mentality, though illogical and psychotic, it requires a certain foundation to hold it together.  The laws of government or religion tend to suffice because it caters to this type of mind-set.  The government says, “I will take care of you,” the church says, “God will take care of you.”  The slave mentality’s mindset is embedded and regenerated generation after generation.  It says, I am poor not rich, weak not strong, dependent not independent, helpless not self-sufficient, slave not master and because of this plea, I need help, I am depending on you, I cannot do this alone.  Because of this mindset many lost their ability to function as a class of people and became totally dependent upon the slave master,  government or even a religious creed for their survival.  

     Jesus alluded to a mental deficiency in the condition of humanity’s thinking when he said, “consider the fowls of the air”.    The underlining thought was the fowls of the air can sit in the tree and wait for food to be brought to them, that is not true they  know they must get up and go out and hunt or work for the things that is provided by their creator, or they can sit on a limb in a tree, wait and starve. 

Maybe it is just me

(The Irrevelant Rant of An Ambigious Old Man)  It is just planned sad what they have done to the church.  The desire to be a super-star has taken precedent over  teaching or (preaching) the word of God.   In an age when people need God, the Bible has been turned into a cash cow. I  always thought Christianity was about believing in God and believing God was about believing in the hereafter.  Living a godly life was about preparing to reign with Christ when he return to establish his kingdom.   Now it seems all of that have changed.  Believing in God now means you don't have to worry about doing anything, you got this God who is doing all of these little cute things for you.  If you are a sinner you don't stand a chance in Hell of getting a good job.  In other words all sinners are homeless bums, and all Christians are rich.  When a bum need money he beg Christians for it, when a Christian need money they ask God for it and Ching-Ching they got it.  Now after God gives Christians money they are supposed to give part of it back to God by giving part of it back to the preacher.

There are those who can take one verse out of the Bible,  spiritualize it and turn it into an ATM.  Genesis 37:24  And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.
When your enemies attack you and throw you into a pit, you don’t need to fear because God is the God of comeback and favor.  God will never allow you to remain in a dirty pit of depression, despair, and depravity because his purpose is one of blessing, purpose, and breakthrough.  It’s time to overcome your pit!  What is the pit that is facing your life today?  Maybe it’s a financial pit.  Maybe it’s an emotional pit. Maybe it’s a pit of sickness?  Maybe it’s a relational pit.  Well, you better prepare yourself in the pit because God is about ready to bring you from the pit to the palace!  Can I get a witness? Now here come the part about planting a seed.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

An Irrelevant Rant of an Ambigious Old Man

(An Irrelevant Rant of an Ambigious Old Man) There are many times in life I call into question my sanity.  Today is one of those days.  I am sadden at the level of confusion that can exist in a church, household or family circle, especially when that household, church or family circle is comprised of ministers and people of God.     I hope I am not too critical of the religious community, but I am at a point in my life that I need to maintain a sustaining faith in God, but it is those who claim to have a greater knowledge of  God sometime cause me to doubt.  

It seems that there ought to be limits to the surreal Hell that a struggling soul is called upon to endure from those who claim to be children of the father.  How many tears must I shed at the hands of  preachers.  How many broken hearts and deaths must I witness.  Only God knows the supreme ruler.   If they know so much about God, then why don't they know about the pain and death they inflict upon people.

My body tells me I am a tired old man, but before I pass on from this land I think I will get my gold plated shovel and go out into the wood and dig up a few skeletons.  Skeletons are easy to find especially when you help bury some of them.   This is an unfair agenda, but by doing so maybe only then will my spirit rest.

Friday, September 6, 2013

An Irrelevant Rant of an Ambigious Old Man

(An Irrelevant Rant of an Ambigious Old Man) Attending a  funeral is something I would rather not do, but sometimes it is important to the family of the deceased that I attend.  On such occasions I suck it up and attended a funeral not long ago.  I was hoping that the message might serve as an uplifting moment for the family and myself.  Being a cancer survivor who has progressed to dealing with periods of uncertainty,  a message of hope and faith though sometimes hard to find, is as important as the huge number of pills I take two and three times a day.

Not long ago I was caught in a situation where not attending a friend of the family’s funeral was not socially acceptable.  I attended hoping the service would be short and sweet.  I later learned the pastor had a hidden agenda. I closed my eyes an listened  as the service progressed.

The pastor took to the pulpit and with much flair and fanfare he announced that his subject was, Hell, a place you don’t want to go.”  Looking across the church I could see the shocked expressions that spread across the family members face.  It was known through the community that the young man in the casket was not what you would call a church goer.   When a performing artist dies that person is packaged up and shipped off to heaven and they soon reappear on Facebook with wings, and  is purported to be singing in the heavenly choir.   I wondered why this young man was not afforded the same pleasures.  He constantly interrupted his diatribe by telling members of the congregation to reach over and touch somebody or "look at your neighbor" and tell them, “Hell is a place you don’t want to go.”  I have never understood the use of this filler, but what can I say. I am just an ambiguous old man. 

I open my eyes when his voice changed, he was tuning up.  He looked back at the ministers filling the rostrum behind him, a smug smile crossed his face and with a moaning voice he began.  “I am talking about Jesus” somebody in the back of the church screamed “Go ahead.”  “He came down through forty two generations,”  “Stopped over in a little town call Bethlehem.”   When he got to the “born” part he had  the preachers on the rostrum standing and patting him on the back.  I knew the story so well and how it is played out.  You repeat ‘born’ two  or three times based upon the response you get and by the time you get to the dying part you should be able to rock the church.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Chaos Rules

double rod pendulumanimation 
showing chaotic behavior Starting 
the pendulum from a slightly different
 initial condition  would result in a 
completely different trajectory. 
The double  rod pendulum is one 
of the simplest  dynamic systems
 that has chaotic solutions.
The rules are Chaos is there are no rules If I begged my wife to go to the store and get me some Ice Cream, and she was hit by a drunk driver and killed, am I responsible?  If I know a person has a bad Heart and I agitate him and he dies of a heart attack, am I the blame? Ecclesiastes 9:11  I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

The basic theory of Karma is: 'cause and effect'. The laws (Dharma) decide what effect is begot from a given cause. Karma is the 'cause' part of this theory. In other words, your actions - mental, vocal and physical are your Karma (plural).
Dharma does not 'punish' or 'reward' anyone. The concepts of good and bad don't exist. For example, gravity is one of the laws of the universe, and if you jumped off a building and killed yourself, we wouldn't say that gravity was punishing you.

Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.
An  example of Chaos discussed by PoincarĂ© is of a man walking on a street on his way to his business. He starts out at a particular time. Meanwhile unknown to him, there is a tiler working on the roof of a building on the same street. The tiler accidentally drops a tile, killing the business man. Had the business man started out at a slightly earlier or later time, the outcome of his trajectory would have been vastly different!

How many people have you killed today?