
Thursday, September 26, 2013

An Irrelevant Rant of an Ambigious Old Man

The indoctrination of the Africans slaves were so successful that it created new and alien mindsets.  The slave mentality, though illogical and psychotic, it requires a certain foundation to hold it together.  The laws of government or religion tend to suffice because it caters to this type of mind-set.  The government says, “I will take care of you,” the church says, “God will take care of you.”  The slave mentality’s mindset is embedded and regenerated generation after generation.  It says, I am poor not rich, weak not strong, dependent not independent, helpless not self-sufficient, slave not master and because of this plea, I need help, I am depending on you, I cannot do this alone.  Because of this mindset many lost their ability to function as a class of people and became totally dependent upon the slave master,  government or even a religious creed for their survival.  

     Jesus alluded to a mental deficiency in the condition of humanity’s thinking when he said, “consider the fowls of the air”.    The underlining thought was the fowls of the air can sit in the tree and wait for food to be brought to them, that is not true they  know they must get up and go out and hunt or work for the things that is provided by their creator, or they can sit on a limb in a tree, wait and starve. 

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