
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Maybe it is just me

(The Irrevelant Rant of An Ambigious Old Man)  It is just planned sad what they have done to the church.  The desire to be a super-star has taken precedent over  teaching or (preaching) the word of God.   In an age when people need God, the Bible has been turned into a cash cow. I  always thought Christianity was about believing in God and believing God was about believing in the hereafter.  Living a godly life was about preparing to reign with Christ when he return to establish his kingdom.   Now it seems all of that have changed.  Believing in God now means you don't have to worry about doing anything, you got this God who is doing all of these little cute things for you.  If you are a sinner you don't stand a chance in Hell of getting a good job.  In other words all sinners are homeless bums, and all Christians are rich.  When a bum need money he beg Christians for it, when a Christian need money they ask God for it and Ching-Ching they got it.  Now after God gives Christians money they are supposed to give part of it back to God by giving part of it back to the preacher.

There are those who can take one verse out of the Bible,  spiritualize it and turn it into an ATM.  Genesis 37:24  And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.
When your enemies attack you and throw you into a pit, you don’t need to fear because God is the God of comeback and favor.  God will never allow you to remain in a dirty pit of depression, despair, and depravity because his purpose is one of blessing, purpose, and breakthrough.  It’s time to overcome your pit!  What is the pit that is facing your life today?  Maybe it’s a financial pit.  Maybe it’s an emotional pit. Maybe it’s a pit of sickness?  Maybe it’s a relational pit.  Well, you better prepare yourself in the pit because God is about ready to bring you from the pit to the palace!  Can I get a witness? Now here come the part about planting a seed.

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