
Friday, December 27, 2013

(An Irrevelent Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man) ...

(An Irrevelent Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man... In the itinerary of human events,  the one who speaks first is often looked upon as the one who is telling the truth.  This fallacy of human mentality allows the gifted to shape and manipulate the truth.   Shaped truth blinds the eyes to the real truth, it is an evil that first manifested itself in the Garden of Eden and gave birth to an insidious evil known as sibling rivalry thereby causing one brother to kill the other.

One of the most damnable aspects of sibling rivalry is that it allows one party to create a false characterization of its victims that others are drawn into and it becomes impossible to defend against.   Sibling rivalry uses a  distortion of reality and draws others into its distorted reality and soon this distorted reality began to masquerade as the truth.  The manipulation is subtle and relies upon provable facts or variables.   Any attempt to disprove these manipulated facts by the accused is often met with the accusation of the accused being a great liar. 

A young man graduated from high school in the early sixties,  unable to find a college or the funding needed, attended a low class business college for two semesters before dropping out and joining the Air Force.   This young man was told by his nephew nearly forty years later, "my father dislikes you because your mother and daddy did more for you that they did for him.  They sent you to college, and you got a college degree.  He told about how hard his father had to work, while he wasted the day playing. The story continued with more and more creative details added.  The only truth or reality of this encounter was, he was standing in the street talking to his nephew, the rest he had no knowledge of what he was talking about.  

Sibling rivalry is based upon the concept that the person whom the anger is directed at is a liar and is stupid.  Once these two elements are firmly entrenched in the mind of others, the "he doesn't know what he is talking about syndrome", or "you can't tell him anything", become the standard bearer  to a painful distorted and disrupted life.  There is no known defense against this type of Character assassination. 

Often we cater to the idiocricity of others, in an asinine attempt to predicate our inner demons, thereby rendering our assessment of a given situation totally irrelevant. If the followers of Jesus had deemed John the Baptist to be nothing but a wild man running in the woods half naked, they would have missed out on a beautiful and life changing experience. 

Follow me for a closer look at this sickness...

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