
Friday, December 19, 2014

I suffer from a type of “Stockholm-esque syndrome resulting from mental and emotional stress of living under an oppressive system while being encouraged to pretend it's not there”

Today I am suffering from an acute case of manipulation and homophobia.   According to one lady I suffer from a type of “Stockholm-esque syndrome resulting from mental and emotional stress of living under an oppressive system while being encouraged to pretend it's not there”.  On top of all of that I suffer from a “slave mentality syndrome.”  

Sitting in an upscale restaurant I was forced to watch two men trying to choke each other with their tongues as bits of green salad and dressing dripped from their mouth. To me it was just as repulsive as the female in spandex, twerking at the salad bar.   The profanity laced conversation that echoes throughout the once upscale dining room added to the discomfort could be seen on many of the patrons' faces  The options were clear, we who were offended could stay or we could leave.  The smiling faces of the performers told us our that their rights trumped our rights.

In 2009 President Obama signed into law, The Federal Hate Crime bill under the pretense that this bill would help to eliminate hate.  From the date of the signing a continuous effort has been made to suppress all forms of hate.  The intellectually challenged were  somehow led to believe that a law could eradicate hate, an emotion of the heart.   Those who had a better understanding of  human nature and the effects of creating laws to control the emotional aspects of humanity knew that this was a lesson in futility.  An act that was designed simply to appease those who looked to the Federal Government to solve their problem.  The opposite of hate is love, a dichotomy, one does not exist without the other. Day, night, good and evil, they each compliment each other and one does not exist without the other.  Any attempt to suppress hate does not create an  abundance of love, instead an alien form of hatred called racism is created that can infect all regardless of race.

What is racism? A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. 

Racism a created word, whose definition and application is not definitive because it is based upon perceptions which is different from individual to individual and it is often flawed.   Perception, in order to accurate must rely upon the skills of a mind reader. A common perception among those who experience racism is “they think they are more than me.”  This open the door to those who think they are skilled in reading other people’s mind, and they are using that skill in a way that affect all of us.  There is no denying it,  if we strip away the labels there is hate. It exists and will continue to exist until the world order is changed.  

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