
Sunday, December 7, 2014

(An Irrelevant Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man)

(An Irrelevant Rant of An Ambiguous Old Man)  The late 50’s was known as the age of awareness for many of us lowly Mississippi Coloreds.  It was the year  I found out that some of us had bad hair, and some of us had good hair.  It was also the year we found out why we went barefooted during the summer. It wasn’t because we couldn’t afford shoes, it because we loved the feel of mud and warm cow manure  squishing up between our  toes.  During that same time we found out about places such as Chicago and New York.

      Please note, the use of the word Coloreds is used in this story without any disparity or disrespect intended. If I have offended anyone I am sorry.  Now, since I am in an apologizing mood, let me apologize for the use of words such as Mr. Charlie, Mr. Jim Crow, Uncle Tom, Red-bones, high yellows ninny coloreds and the darkies, I may as well apologize for the cripple who rolled around downtown Starkville and spit on the sidewalks.  I must not forget to apologize for graduating from high school ahead of my older brother.  One day I am going to make a list of all of the things I must apologize for. Ooh to heck with this, these are nothing but labels and others conception of me.  Labels have no power of their own.  We give labels, powered by what we perceive them to mean, If I said your mother wore cowboy boots, and you drew your gun and shot me.  The legal establishment would want to know why.  You will say I insulted your mother.  I will say I don’t know your mother; I never met your mother.  You are left to explain how can my word mean anything, how can they be insulting when they are based upon my lies and conjectures.  If I call you stupid, does that make you stupid?  You are stupid if you think you are stupid because I called you stupid.

     Back in the old days when our ancestors worked outside, the sun toughens their skin and they weren’t offended by the use of mere words and they weren’t offended by bad hair. Now that we have been elevated to Afro-Americans by the NAACP and we have become civilized, our skin has grown thinner, and we get offended by mere words. We spend millions of dollars trying to teach our hair lessons and buying other folks hair, and still end up with bad hair.  Another group spends millions of dollars trying to darken their skin and still end up being white.  We want laws enacted to make people love us so that we could marry anybody we want to and the right to sit at anybody’s table.  Well, there are still people I wouldn’t want my daughter to marry and definitely would not want a bugger popper sitting at my table. 

      When it comes to names, we are a strange breed.  We just can’t make up our mind to what we want to be called.  When I was in grade school, I was a Nigger by the time I got to high school I was colored. When I joined the Air Force I was Black. By the time my tour of duty had ended, I was described as an Afro-American.  Then I began to fade in and out, one minute I was Black and the next I was Afro-American. One day it was OK to be Mr. Gillespie, the next I was suppose sign my name as “Mr. X”.  How can a person be an African and an American at the same time?  Here is a dichotomy that is being overlooked and need to be evaluated. I have chosen not to be a hyphenated one.  I am not an African, never been there and I wouldn’t want to live there. I am an American, I was born here, I fought for this country and I am a part of this country. You can call me bugger or you can call me dog, just don’t mess with my family and I don’t try to hang your stinking monkey on my back.

     There are three major groups that make up my bloodline.    My Great Grandmother was an African, and I am proud of her.  My Great Grandmother was a Choctaw Indian, and I am proud of her. My Great-Great Grandfather was Irish; he was a land owner, a slaveholder and a medical doctor.  I am proud of him and his accomplishment.  I challenge the great minds to define me.  I will not allow myself to be defined by the outcome of any one of these struggles.  I am the product of many different struggles. Visualize this if you can, a 16 ounce jar is placed on a table and filled with 8 ounces of water.  You are asked to describe the jar and its content.  A small and limited mind would say, “There is a jar that is half full of water sitting on a table.”   One who struggles to be profound and follows a different path would say, “There is a half empty jar of water being supported by a table.”  To the elevated mine, one who needs no labels to define its contents would simply say, “There is a jar with water in it.”   Why must I be defined by a color content or quantity?  Why must I be Black?  Why do you define your sister of father to me as a step when I don’t know them?  Have you ever seen a half-sister?

    After the Civil War, Mr. Charlie was in for a rude awaking. He was about to meet the product of his own creation and he didn’t have the foggiest idea as to how to deal with it.  The colored and the Indians were a group of people that consisted of many shades of skin pigmentation.  There were the high yellows which had good hair and were trying to pass. On the bottom rung of the ladder, there were the darkies that had bad hair.  Nobody wanted to be a darkie with bad hair, but Jessie Jackson made people ashamed to admit it. Jessie Jackson made us stand in the rain while our hair went from straight to kinky; to up the clench fist and shout, “I am somebody.”  Did we need Jessie Jackson to tell us that?  Then there was the Mullato’s who own the ladders of upward mobility.  They were the uppity colored, (for the sake of calcification and readability I wish I could drop the “N-Bomb” here but my proofers would delete it.  So every time I use the word “colored’ think of the N-Bomb.) The Mullato’s were considered high bred colored, who had good hair and they looked down on the poor darkies that had bad hair.  By now you are probably wondering what hair got to do with anything.  The answer is nothing, it’s a label. Most of the Mullato’s passed for white. Some of the Mullato’s are still trying to prove they don't have white folk’s blood in them. Now if you wanted to bring a Mulato down a notch just tell them they were Mr. Charlie's Chillums.  The coloreds wanted Mr. Charlie’s hair, they wanted his color, they wanted his money, but nobody wanted to be poor Mr. Charlie's Chillums. The middle position was held by those whom Grandmother described to her color struck grandchildren as being just plain ninny color.  Usually the ninny color children were a Red-bone with bad hair.
 Humanity, not just the coloreds is screwed up.  Think of the money made on tanning products and bleaching cream.  Do you want to say, huh.

     Remember those times when nobody wanted to call a dog, then Randy Jackson went on national television and told everybody that it was alright. People then started calling the peoples' dogs.  A famous tennis shoe company paid a colored man a huge sum of money to convince every working colored, poor welfare mothers included, that love for your child was spending two hundred dollars for a four dollar pair of tennis shoes. These two unrelated acts taught Mr. Charlie one of his greatest lessons about the colored.

      Being colored allowed us to make all sorts of wild claims, such as a young boy in grade school not wanting to be called colored, told the Teacher that he had an Indian in him.  Then there is the story of two little boys running down the road, one black and one white, shouting run, run the (for this to sound right you have to drop the N-bomb here) colored are coming. Now it becomes easy to see how the thin skinned Afro-American’s and the NAACP has messed up my life. I cannot write this parody without trying to explain myself.  There were the high yellows and the just plain ninny colors that learned to mispronounce certain word when they talked.  ‘Hey Mon’ became a transitional phrase, if you said it right, you could be a visitor from some exotic island.  I tried it when I was in the Air Force and immediately I was somebody. I was a Jamaican with a stinking monkey on my back.
       I guess I was one of the fortunate son’s of the South, because I never met Mr. Charlie or Jim Crow.  When I was growing up I heard that Mr. Charlie was a bad man.  And that after the Civil War was over Mr. Charlie had brought in Jim Crow to take care of his uppity coloreds. The first thing Mr. Jim Crow did was to explain that you could not be white if you had colored blood in you.  There were a lot of uppity coloreds who was trying to pass and he had to put a stop to that. He came up with lots of rules and regulation.  First, he concluded that there were only two classes of people, you were either White or you was Colored. Mr. Jim Crow came up with beautiful phrases such as, “Separate but equal,” “segregation” and “poll taxes.” Coon hunting became a southern pastime.  All over the South, signs went up.  Two water fountains, one said, ’White’ and the other said, ’Colored.’  Two restrooms, one said ‘White’ and the other said ‘Colored’.  Two graveyards, one ‘White’ and one ‘Colored’. Mr. Jim Crow did lots of explaining.  He even explained why the coloreds had big butts.  It made sense when he explained how the coloreds rolled their tails up and stuffed them in their undergarments. With Mr. Jim Crow in charge and running things everybody knew their place. The Mullato's knew their place. If they wanted to maintain their status they had to hang with Mr. Charlie.

     The funny thing about Mr. Charlie was, he talked about separating the coloreds from the whites, but he loved to hang out with the coloreds.   You could find Mr. Charlie hanging out in the colored section of town most any night.  Sometime Mr. Charlie and Mr. Jim Crow would show up at the colored folk’s church.

     Mr. Jim Crow never spent a day in school, he was what most people defined as poor white trash, but he could write laws and knew how to hide them on the books.  Even today after more than one hundred years have passed, Mr. Jim Crow keeps popping up.  Before the old Jim Crow could get everything explained, simplified and legalized old Jim Crow just fell over and died.  Mr. Charlie could not accept that Jim Crow was dead, so he hid the body and pretended he was still alive. The Choctaw Indians knew Mr. Jim Crow was dead, because they saw where Mr. Charlie buried the body.  They dug it up and buried the body in their sacred burial ground in a place called, Tunica, Ms.  The problem with all of this was the uppity Coloreds folks kept trying to kill old Jim Crow, but old Jim was already dead.  But how can you be dead when people are still trying to kill you?  They say the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince the world that he didn’t exist.  The Choctaw began to wonder if Mr. Jim Crow was dead even though they had the body, because so much was happening in the name of Mr. Jim Crow.

  Mr. Jim Crow had become entrenched in the institutions of the south.  He was more powerful, more dead than he was alive. He had become immortal because he could not be killed.  You cannot kill something that’s already dead.  It worked out fine for Mr. Charlie, because the Colored was misdirected and spent a lot of time and money was spent trying to kill a dead horse.  They enlisted the help of the NAACP and their rich Uncle Sam from Washington.  Soon Uncle Sam was tearing up the countryside looking for Mr. Jim Crow. The Choctaw Indians were sitting back on the reservation getting high watching Mr. Charlie, Uncle Sam, the NAACP and the Coloreds fight it out; all the while they were trying to figure out a way to beat Mr. Charlie and Uncle Sam at their own game.  The Choctaw knew if they could beat Mr. Charlie and Uncle Sam the Coloreds would be beaten also.  In a self-induced stupor the great Choctaw Indian Chiefs were dancing around the grave of Mr. Jim Crow. They heard the immortal words. “Man is left to gamble.”  The message was carried from coast to coast, “Indian brother unite, if man is left to gamble, he needs a place to gamble.  Let us build casinos' and take Mr. Charles’s money.”

       Anyway, let’s get back on topic.  Mr. Charlie was pretty much upset over Uncle Sam and the NAACP comes to town trying to stamp out Mr. Jim Crow.   Uncle Sam was holding secret meetings with the coloreds, and Mr. Charlie was not invited.  So Mr. Charlie came up with a plan, he sent for his old ninny colored friend Uncle Tom, who had bad hair. He was well educated and knew his way around the colored.  Uncle Tom could attend the meeting and report back to Mr. Charlie what was going on.  With Uncle Tom attending the meeting it was like Mr. Charlie had a front row seat.  This worked fine until Rosie; the Red-bone was pulling a double shift With Mr. Charlie’s son at Mr. Charlie’s house, and saw Uncle Tom sneaking in the back door.  She followed Uncle Tom and caught him and Mr. Charlie in bed together. The word spread around town about Uncle Tom.  Uncle Tom was labelled a snitch and ran out of town on a rail. Uncle Sam gave up its search for Mr. Jim Crow after assuring everyone that Mr. Jim Crow was dead and as long as they supported him with their vote he would take good care of them.

     Uncle Sam formed an exclusive club for all of those who had walked behind the mule.  Uncle Sam even used a picture of a mule as the symbol to represent the group.  Once each year they would get together and have a Democratic party.  The Colored were to make sure that Uncle Sam had enough votes to throw the party, and Uncle Sam wrote big checks to take care of his colored folks.  Uncle Sam made laws to open gates for the coloreds.  Before the gates could be closed the gays, lesbians, Red bones, Jews, Indians, Gentiles, people with bad hair, dogs and cats, all came marching in screaming, we want our rights. Soon all animals began clamoring for their rights. They demanded lawyers be appointed to represent them in court. Uncle Sam became known as the “Civil Right Giver.” and he published books on how to get rich while sitting on your butt.

   Since Uncle Sam was giving the coloreds welfare checks, that destroyed the DNA of the colored family, Mr. Charlie figured he could make money off the coloreds by selling their big cars.  He created the Big Motor Company and started selling Cadillac cars and trucks.  Uncle Tom bought a cabin at the edge of the swamp in the Bijou country. He spent the rest of his life writing children's stories. Rosie, the Red-bone married Mr. Charlie’s son and they open up a shoe company that specialized in selling over priced sneaker to the colored folks.  The Choctaw chiefs continued to solidify their plans to control Uncle Sam’s money. They opened up a string of Casinos and today they are busy raking in money and getting the coloreds evicted from their homes.  The Coloreds soon found out that Uncle Sam had lied to them, now instead of having to deal with Mr. Jim Crow; they now had to deal with a stinking monkey on their back. Every time a colored was born, the pimps, player, preachers and pragmatics all entered into a conspiracy to take charge of the poor child’s mind and shape it and process it. To enforce their will a stinking monkey was assigned to each Child.

I think it was the stinking monkey that really sent the NAACP, Jessie, Al and the ‘poor’ colored folks over the edge.  Some say it had something to do with bad hair and some say it had something to do with good hair. The reality of the situation was one morning the coloreds, Jessie, Al and the NAACP got together to kill the stinking monkey. First, they buried the ‘N-Word’, then the rap stars dug it up.  They changed the spelling and the poor coloreds spent millions of dollars to glorify it.  Then, they demanded that Mr. Charlie Kill his stinking monkey so that little colored boys and girls could live without a monkey on their back.  Mr. Charlie explained to them that he never had any stinking monkeys. I think It was at that moment they realized that the monkey on the poor colored’s back wasn’t white.  The stinking monkey was black.  The NAACP became an irreverent organization, and most colored folks decided to become just plain folks.

     In the famous words of Rosie, the Red-bone, “Colored folks just got to learn to live with each other.  They have got to learn to trust.  Forget about words. Stick and stones might break your bones, but talk will never kill you.  Get that stupid monkey off your back, and pull your pants up.  

     You know I have seen a lot of pretty girls with bad hair, and I have seen lots of ugly girls with good hair, but I have never seen a pretty girl looking ugly because she had bad hair, and I have never seen an ugly girl looking pretty because she had good hair.

     If you are wondering what all of this is about, or better yet what hair got to do with anything.  It's all about nothing and nothing never mean anything. 


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